Anti Corruption Policy

Anti-Corruption and Gratification Policy

The Company's Code of Conduct establishes policies and procedures for identifying gratuities, bribery, and quid pro quo practices in interactions with external parties, aiming to raise awareness among all employees including members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Management about risks in business processes and to prevent corruption.

The implementation of this policy aims to maintain clean business practices free from corruption and gratuities to protect the Company from legal risks, financial losses, and negative reputational impacts. The Company's commitment to anti-corruption and gratuity is manifested through an Integrity Pledge signed by all Management team members.

This policy is also regulated in the Company's Regulations and Code of Conduct, including prohibitions on accepting gifts, avoiding conflicts of interest, and the obligation to enforce Company regulations. Each employee is required to sign an Information Disclosure form and participate in the Whistleblowing System as a means of reporting violations, including corruption and gratuities.